People (Team settings)

Manage membership and permissions across your Team.

Manage Team members

This tab in settings is where you manage your Team members and define their roles. You can add more members to a Team by inviting anyone from , but you can also - collaborators from other Timebook Workplaces.

The [People] tab is divided into two sections:

  • The Members & Partners list on the left shows everyone working in this Team. A label next to each person highlights their role in the Team. This part of the tab also has a search bar to find people quickly, the [+] button to , and the [Filters] button to show only members with a specific role.

  • The contact card on the right shows the selected person's basic contact details, the [Role] field where you can change their permissions, and the [Calendar] tab showing their availability.

For more information on adding members and Partners to a Team, see Team members

For more information on specific user roles, see Owners, Admins, Members

Team members

Owners, Admins, Members