Date picker & scope

Navigate your Calendar with ease and decide how much data you want to see.

Date picker in Calendar

When you open the Calendar module for the first time, it will be focused on the current day or period. To navigate to a different period (to check your past or future schedules), use the [Date picker] in the top-left corner.

This is how the date picker buttons work:

  • [Today] Press it to see the current day (or the current period).

  • [Calendar icon] This option opens a Calendar widget that lets you navigate between dates and jump to a specific day.

  • [Left arrow] Press it to see the previous day (or the previous period if you are not ).

  • [Right arrow] Press it to see the next day (or period).

Scope in Calendar

The selector (or the dropdown menu, depending on the window size) just above the Calendar grid is what we call the scope. You can use it to define how many days should fit into the view.

These options are available when adjusting the scope of your Calendar:

  • To see the big picture of your schedule, go with [Week] or even [Month].

  • You can use the [Day] option and pick a number to define how many days in advance you want to see.

  • There's also the [Agenda] option which shows a constant flow of days. Scroll down to see an uninterrupted view of . This option also shows you the amount of free time between scheduled events.

You can use your keyboard to change the scope of your Calendar quickly. Try these shortcuts:

  • [D] for 1-day view

  • [W] for week

  • [M] for month

  • [A] for agenda

  • [1-9] for a specific number of days

Manage events on the grid

All-day events