Quick tour: Collaboration

Read about collaborative features in Timebook to see how we help teams work flexibly.

Get things done together

Timebook excels when groups of professionals want to work together with flexibility and transparency. In your Timebook Workplace, you can recreate the structure of your entire organization by assigning people to different Teams and giving them access to shared resources.

Timebook Teams are where the actual work happens, with members taking full advantage of our collaborative features. Teams are also fully customizable, so each can have a different set of tools and workflows to match their preferred working style.

Mirror your organization in Timebook

After you register your account, you can start inviting others to create a Timebook Workplace, which can be a mirror copy of your real-life organization. A Workplace can be a home to multiple Teams that enable smaller groups of Workplace members to collaborate using shared resources.

Try the following features to expand your Timebook Workplace:

  • Invite more people to your Workplace and define their access rights to reflect their role and the in-app privileges you want to give them. ➡️ For more information, see Manage members

In short, you can build your organization in Timebook by expanding your Workplace and creating Teams for specialization.

Keep others up to date

We designed the [Updates] module to help Timebook Teams track progress and signal potential risks. You can post updates in various places in the app, starting with the dedicated tab in your Team. This way, you can inform others about both the small successes and stumbling blocks in your projects. This feature also works at lower levels, as you can post updates in most Timebook objects and containers.

You can find this feature in different places across Timebook:

  • Each Team has its own [Updates] tab that automatically shows changes to various objects across the Team. Additionally, each member can post updates to inform others about anything they feel is important to the Team's work. ➡️ For more information, see Updates (in Teams)

  • You can also update Work Items, Sprints, Projects, or Roadmaps. Each of these objects and containers has a dedicated tab where you can see all the changes and comments or provide your own. ➡️ For more information on the [Updates] tab, see Work Item

In short, Timebook allows you to post updates or track changes to various objects or an entire Team.

Edit content as a Team and publish it

Even though you can create private content in Timebook, our Documents are all about collaboration. When you work on content with your Team members, you can utilize several writing and publishing features. Make the whole process smoother, from Document creation to providing feedback and publishing the final version.

Try the following features as you collaborate on content in Timebook:

  • When others are working on the same Page as you, we will display their avatars and highlight the exact areas they are editing. ➡️ For more information, see Page & Document collaboration

  • Each person working on a Page can also comment on its contents. In Timebook, you can create Page comments for general discussion or inline ones to focus on specific parts of the text. Additionally, Timebook has a simple method for resolving comments, making it easy to handle feedback. ➡️ For more information on Timebook's comment system, see Comments

  • Once your Document is ready, you can share it with others in your Timebook Workplace. You can also publish the whole thing online in the "read-only" mode. This way, anyone with a link can access it, even the people outside Timebook. ➡️ For more information on sharing and publishing content, see Share Documents

In short, Timebook allows you to manage all documentation processes and keep everyone involved.

Track work and notify others

Successful collaboration often depends on how well you can track work. In Timebook, you can use several features to help you stay in the loop or notify others about your activities. Mention others to attract their attention, follow changes made to selected objects, and make the most of Timebook's internal notification system.

Stay on top of changes happening in your Timebook Workplace with these features:

  • You can mention someone from your Workplace in almost any text field in Timebook. We will immediately send notifications to the mentioned people, drawing their attention to a Document or a Work Item description.

  • You can manage all Timebook notifications in the dedicated module. We divided the [Notifications] area into tabs such as Requiring action, Time-sensitive, or Mentions, so you can immediately jump to the ones that have the highest priority. ➡️ For more information on this module, see Notifications

In short, Timebook's work-tracking options and notifications help everyone stay informed and focus on what's important.

Extend collaboration to Partners

In Timebook, collaboration extends beyond Teams and the entire Workplace. You can invite Partners—Timebook users from different Workplaces—to collaborate on shared resources. As long as you both use Timebook for your daily work, we have you covered.

Extend collaboration with these Partner features:

  • You can invite a Partner to one of your Teams, giving both of you access to the same resources. You can also define your Partner's access rights. This is how Timebook enables extended collaboration, and you don't have to join multiple Workplaces to achieve it. ➡️ For more information on inviting people from other Workplaces, see Partners

  • Workplace Admins in Timebook can track and respond to Partner invitations. Once approved, Partners gain access to the Team they were invited to and receive the requested access rights. ➡️ For more information, see Manage Partners

In short, Timebook offers extensive collaboration options by allowing you to invite people from other Workplaces to join your Team.

Would you like to see more?

We suggest you continue on this quick tour to discover more complex features that can help you flexibly manage all the work and build remarkable products:

Quick tour: Work tools

Or, if you haven't already, you can learn more about Timebook's basic features that support work and time management on the individual level:

Quick tour: Basics

Either way, thank you for your time and your interest in Timebook!

Last updated